Property sale info

Development Unit House Type Customer Name Booking Date Booking Deposit Amount Sales Price Agreed Price Agent Date Updated Status Notes
Diamond Gate The Trillion bharat adhikari 30/11/-0001 £ 45555 Sold £ 100000 22/05/2021 Sale Agreed
Diamond Gate The Trillion test customer 25/03/2021 £ 150000 Sold £ 285000 25/03/2021 Sale Agreed Will pay tomorrow
Testnew 28/03/2021 £ 1000 £ 500000 21/04/2021 Sale Agreed Lorem Ipsum new today
Diamond Gate The Trillion tes 22/04/2021 £ 1000 Sold £ 1200 24/04/2021 Sale Agreed lorem ipsum
Bharat 30/11/-0001 £ 2000 £ 50000 11/05/2021 Sale Agreed It is booked 2 days before